The OSPO has established a university-wide GitHub enterprise account available for all Johns Hopkins affiliates and organizations. The enterprise GitHub account includes several features not available in free GitHub accounts and covers most costs for existing paid JHU GitHub accounts. If you are currently paying for GitHub, or wish to access additional features available through the enterprise account, please fill out the form below to create a new organization or migrate your existing organization(s) into the enterprise.

Once you receive confirmation of your new organization, please take a few moments and read through these tips:

  • All public repositories should include a license file. This helps protect your work and define how others can use your code. Instructions for adding a license to a GitHub repository are at this link, and the OSPO website includes licensing help if you’re not sure which license to choose.
  • All public (and most private) repositories should include a README file. The OSPO GitHub has an easy-to-follow checklist for writing a README that will help users identify, evaluate, use, and engage with your project.
  • All repositories should include a copyright notice, for example: Copyright [year repository becomes public] The Johns Hopkins University

Hopkins Students

Invitation to an Existing Organization

You do not need to fill out this form to be invited to the enterprise. Please contact the organization owner. Feel free to email the OSPO if you’re not sure who to contact.


If you’d like to experiment with CoPilot, you have free access through the GitHub Student Developer Pack, which includes instructions on how to sign up (and prove your student status).

Questions? Email the OSPO!

Request a New GitHub Org or Transfer an Existing Org

New or Existing?(Required)

  • Enterprise Benefits

    Campus affiliates that join the JHU GitHub Enterprise benefit from additional features:

    • Security control via SSO integration
    • ​​​​Unlimited private repositories, and the ability to create “internal” repositories that are viewable only by members of the JHU GHE
    • Access to a pool of 50,000 Action minutes per month and 50GB for container registries and other package repositories
    • Access to support from the OSPO, such as code repository best practices
  • Getting Started

    Once your new or existing GitHub organization is connected to the JHU Enterprise, you (the owner) have full control over your organization, and are able to:

    • ​​​​​​​Create new repositories within your GitHub organization
    • Transfer existing repos to your GitHub organization
    • Invite Members and collaborators, create groups and teams, and assign permissions
  • GitHub Accounts and GitHub Enterprise User Management

    All individuals interested in using GitHub must request and manage their own user accounts – these accounts are not managed by the OSPO or JHU. If you do not have a user account, you can sign up for one via

    When you access an Organization under the JHU GitHub Enterprise (JHU GHE) umbrella, you will login both to GitHub using your personal account, and then again via JHU Single Sign On (SSO). This two-step process allows you to contribute to JHU GHE Organizations while retaining your existing identity and contributions on GitHub.

    You may have more than one GitHub account if you prefer to keep your JHU work separate, but only one GitHub account may be linked to your JHED via SSO.

    All members of a JHU GHE Organization will be required to authenticate via JHU SSO. 

    People outside of JHU can be added to your GHE organization in two ways:

    • As outside collaborators with read/write access to assigned repositories. Outside collaborators cannot be members or owners of organizations, and cannot be added to teams.
    • Azure B2B provides a feature allowing organizations to invite external users as Members. Azure B2B accounts can be requested from the OSPO via this form.
  • Additional Information
  • GitHub CoPilot, Classroom, and Codespaces

    GitHub offers a number of tools at no cost to educators. JHU faculty and researchers can use their existing GitHub user accounts to apply for these benefits via Please note that the OSPO cannot provide user support for these tools. 

    GitHub CoPilot

    GitHub Copilot is a code completion tool that assists users of the Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains integrated development environments.

    GitHub CoPilot documentation:

    GitHub Classroom

    GitHub Classroom offers a suite of features such as assignment templates, auto-grading, feedback pull requests, and group assignments. 

    Establishing a GitHub Classroom requires having a GitHub Organization. You can request a new organization via this form, or request to become a member of an existing organization by contacting the organization owner. 

    GitHub Classroom documentation:

    If you are faculty in the Whiting School of Engineering, you can follow their Classroom instructions here:

    GitHub Codespaces

     A GitHub Codespace is a development environment that is hosted in the cloud. Users can customize projects for GitHub Codespaces by committing configuration files to a repository (often known as Configuration-as-Code), which creates a repeatable codespace configuration for all users of a project.

    GitHub Codespaces documentation:

    Codespaces can be used with GitHub Classroom, with educators receiving a free allowance, estimated to be enough for a class of 50 with 5 assignments per month, on a 2 core machine with 1 Codespace stored per student.

    GitHub Codespaces with Classroom Documentation:

  • GitHub Glossary

    Git, GitHub: Git is an open source version control system which is often used for tracking and combining changes in software code files. Git was originally created by Linus Torvalds, the author of the Linux operating system. GitHub is a web-based platform, owned by Microsoft, which allows users (often software developers) to coordinate their work through the use of Git.

    Actions: GitHub Actions are used to run workflows when other events happen in your repository;  for example, a workflow that automatically adds the appropriate labels whenever someone creates a new issue in your repository. GitHub Actions can also be used for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to automate build, test, and deployment pipelines. 

    GitHub Classroom: GitHub Classroom is a teaching tool that lets educators create and manage digital classrooms and assignments within GitHub. 

    GitHub Codespaces: Cloud development environments native to GitHub. 

    Organization Member: The default, non-administrative role for people in an organization is the organization member. By default, organization members have a number of permissions, including the ability to create repositories and projects. Membership in JHU GHE organizations is limited to JHU affiliates and users invited by JHU affiliates via Azure B2B. 

    Outside Collaborator: An outside collaborator is a person who has access to one or more organization repositories but is not explicitly a member of the organization. Outside collaborators cannot be assigned roles/permissions within an organization.

    Organization: An organization in GitHub is the administrative construct surrounding repositories. Organizations in GitHub  typically mirror real-world groups (such as a business, team, school, or lab) that work together on a set of shared projects. They are administered by users and can contain both repositories and teams.

    Organization Owner: Organization members that have complete administrative access to the organization.

    Repository: A repository is the most basic element of GitHub. They’re easiest to imagine as a project’s folder. A repository contains all of the project files (including documentation), and stores each file’s revision history. Repositories can have multiple collaborators and can be either public or private. A public repository can be viewed by anyone, including people who aren’t GitHub users. Private repositories are only visible to the repository owner and collaborators that the owner has specified. Internal repositories can be viewed by anyone who accesses GitHub through JHU SSO – including outside parties who have been invited to the Enterprise via the Azure B2B method.

    User: Anyone with an account on