Use the form on this page to request assistance in signing a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) required by a third-party project or organization. OSPO and JHTV staff will help guide you through the process and ensure compliance with Hopkins’ policies.

Please enter your title and your JHU affiliation, e.g. Whiting School of Engineering, Sheridan Libraries, etc.
The publicly available code repository for the project requesting the CLA.
The publicly available website for the project requesting the CLA.
Please write a short description of your expected / planned contribution. Please note whether you expect to have ongoing engagement with this project.
If your contribution is related to research facilitated by JHURA, please enter the Proposal Name and Institute Proposal Number (IPN).
Please note if your contribution is related to technology for which patents have been filed, or to technology licensed by JHU to an outside organization.
If the project provided you with a digital copy of the CLA (vs. using a CLA manager like EasyCLA), you can upload it here.
Max. file size: 49 MB.